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Pre-K Programs

Indian Bend offers a non tuition-based program, Title 1, at the elementary school location.

Age Guidelines: 4 years old by August 31st of the relevant school year.

Program Description: Title I Preschool is a federally funded program that provides instruction for students who demonstrate educational need. This program is provided at no cost to students who qualify (assessment required).

Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m./9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (full day) site specific

Locations: Cactus View, Campo Bello, Echo Mountain Primary, Indian Bend, and Palomino Primary

Title I Preschool applicants must complete the following forms to be considered:

Title I Parent Questionnaire
Title I Preschool Application

Interested families should contact the Title I Parent Liaison for enrollment information and application processes at (602) 449-2226.

For more information regarding PVSchools Pre-K programs, times, and locations please visit the Early Childhood page

Registration Checklist

Contract approval is a two-step process and all steps must be completed prior to placement.

If it is your child's first time in our childcare programs

  • Create an account

If your child has been in our childcare programs previously

  • Log in to your existing account

Eleyo Online Registration Portal

The following documents must be on file at the PVSchools Community Education Office before your contract can be approved.

  • Copy of original state-issued birth certificate
  • Copy of current immunization records
  • Copy of both parent/guardian government-issued photo IDs
  • Copy of custody documents (if applicable) with case number and court seal