Family Involvement
How Can You Support IBES?
- Join our PTA.
- Volunteer
- Save labels for education (Campbell's Soup, etc.).
- Save box tops for education.
- Help shelve books in the library.
- Read daily with your child.
- Contact your child's teacher more more opportunities.
- Tax Credit donations.
Family Literacy and Math Nights
The Indian Bend Title I Program provides quarterly Family Literacy and Math Nights. Families are first invited for a pizza dinner and then the families stay to work on Math and Literacy concepts. Sometimes the parents receive information about specific objectives the students are studying in class or they learn techniques to work with their children. Information about testing is also shared. Activities are provided so that parents can work with their children on concepts talked about that evening.
United Parent Council (UPC)
UPC is a district-wide parent group that has been active in Paradise Valley Unified School District for more than 30 years and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Looking out for the interest of students is our primary goal. We do this by offering parents support, information, and opportunities to be influential voices in the decisions that affect their children's education.